3-Minute SPrint




What is the idea you want to rebuild in the mind of your audience? Define what you want them to THINK, FEEL and DO. Base it on what is important to them versus you. Make it tangible, specific and inspiring.  



You need to build a human connection right from the beginning. Earn their attention. Find a simple creative start that ignites interest and engagement. Your hook should be directly related to your content.



Tell them what you are going to tell them. Make it clear and concise. Don’t go into too much detail. Aim for 3 content chapters but 5 max. All linked to your objective. If this takes more than a minute, you’re doing it wrong.


Deliver the 3

Deliver the body of your content with persuasive messages supported with evidence and relevance. Connect the content back to the key motivators for your audience. Drop the jargon. Move with purpose.



Tell them what you told them. Link back to your intro, highlight the key content chapters and summarize the implications for the audience. If you have an ask, now is the time to make it. Always end with a Thank You.  


Q & A

Never tell and defend. Listen and respond with an open mind. Repeat the question. Answer with statements supported with evidence. Point - Example - Point.  Be disciplined. Never ramble.  




Try Less

You put in the time, the hard work, the training, and the discipline.  When it comes to game time, believe in the process and yourself.  Relax.  Breathe.  Don’t try hard.  Just be present in the moment and welcome the opportunity.


Bu HUman

A machine can deliver information, but only a human can deliver inspiration.  Don’t be perfect. Be youself and embrace the unique aspects of your personality.  And drink water.


Let Go of the outcome

Don’t obsess over the end goal of your presentation. Trust that you have built a persuasive and powerful narrative that will get your audience there.  Let them pull the knowledge in fueled by interest and curiosity.  The harder you push, the more they will push back.


Focus on Individuals

Don’t deliver your content to everyone. Connect with individuals and give each the gift of a complete thought paired with eye contact.  This also helps you settle in and get connected with the group.


It’s a Conversation

Think about having a coffee with a friend. Be expressive and natural.  Be open to all feedback.  Visual, emotional and verbal.   Listen, observe and flex your content and style based on their feedback. It’s not a one-way dialogue, even if there is limited opportunity for discussion.

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